F-Power is the Power of Freedom. It’s the power to break free from tangling. It’s the power to escape from the power grid. It’s the power to leave the walls behind. It’s the power to ride the waves of creativity when and wherever they hit.
At Winter NAMM Show 2014, F-Pedals proudly introduced to the world of effect pedals the first-ever wireless power system. The idea was born by our continuous effort to improve musicians’ experience in making music, and the achievement was inspired by one of our favourite and most respected scientists of all time — Nikola Tesla.
The F-Power™ system allows users to run F-Pedals without any power supplies or any batteries inside the pedals, and without any loss or interference of sound signals, using F-Board™. The F-Board has a built-in, custom designed, rechargeable and replaceable battery that provides steady power to the pedals through magnetic induction.
Both F-Pedals and F-Board can be used with a conventional power supply for a seamless integration with users’ existing set-up.
This system frees pedals from the power fluctuations on big stages with a high voltage environment. The unsteady power in such environment not only can affect the pedals performance but can also damage the pedals in case of a power surge. In addition, it’s a common knowledge among guitarists that pedals sound better and more quiet when they are operated by batteries; however, it could be expensive and a hassle to replace batteries for each pedal every time they run out. Moreover, batteries can die during a performance on stage without any notice; not to mention it’s not friendly for the environment at all. F-Power provides a solution for these problems by having one battery inside the board for all pedals, and having a power indicator on the F-Board that advises users when to recharge it.
The F-Board release date will be announced soon. Please stay tuned at: